Monday, August 15, 2011

Brave New World Question 6

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a magnificent and intelligent novel written about a future world which consists of a technology based life. Readers can learn many things from this book. For example, a reader can learn that if we over use technology it will overpower our lives and control us. This is shown many times throughout this extraordinary novel. The soma drug is very over used. When people are starting to become emotional or in need of something like a religion they take it and the pain or need goes away. The World State (The main people/ ruler) also has technology were 2/3 woman can not get pregnant. They take out there ovaries so they can not have a child. Sex is not a commitment in The World State. Sex in the World State is like kissing here. It is not a big deal and is something everybody does and what they are suppose to do. Sex means absolutely nothing to the people of 632 A.F. Technology makes the woman not get pregnant or sick by having sex and the soma drug makes their bodies want sex. Technology changed the name of sex. Technology also makes babies. From the day they are fertilized they are classified as alpha, beta, gamma delta, and epsilon. They are trained to become their classes people. Alphas are taught to be the high class and in control of the other four classes. The other four classes are taught to be controlled by Alphas. I think we still read this book so we don't sink to this level in technology. I think we read this so we do not change are lives to be totally ruled by technology. The timeless message is that technology is powerful and can change the world for the better but it can also change it for the worst. I hope our world never turns into the world in this book. I think the author of this book feels the same.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Perenial, 1969

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