Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Blooms Articles Summary and Introductory Paragraph

In the novel Jane Eyre characters such as Jane and Edward face and react obstacles and problems that may not occur in todays world. Part of this is because of how people lived in the 1800's. Disorders and mental issues were handled in such a different way. Therfore I, as a reader, have come to conclude the following statement about the novel Jane Eyre. The psychological state and the 19th century time period affected how characters in the novel Jane Eyre acted, lived and were seen.

Approach: Historical and Phychological

Article One: Background on Jane Eyre 1847
This article is about how Jane Eyre and the author were related. It shares how Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre are similar because they lived in England and both knew stories of crazy governesses living in an attic. Although Jane Eyre is a fictional character she is based off real stories and experiences that Charlotte Bronte was made of.

This article is important to my essay because it shows a force of something motavating the characters, the author. and it also gives a description of how writing was in the 1800's.

Article Two: Jane Eyre
This article a summary and analysis of Jane Eyre. It describes certain events that were important in the life of Jane Eyre such has her relationship with Mr. Rochester. This article has soem information that is usless to my thesis and overall essay but i find the explaination of her relationship with Rochester is very good and can help with the psyocholigical state explaianation.

Article Three: Jane Eyre and History

The title of it says it all. This article is about Jane Eyre and its relation in history. This article will help the historical approach of this essay.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thesis Redo For Jane Eyre

The time period ,of the 1800's, the the novel Jane Eyre is set in affected how characters acted, lived, and were seen.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Jane Eyre Historical Approach Jessie

A. This book reflects the history in which it was written. The book was written in the 1800's and focuses on life in that time period. It reflects how women were treated and how people lived.
B. The story is accurately set in this time period. During this time women were starting to get recognized in history. they were given rights like owning property and having jobs. They could handle money. Life was different for women around the world but life was a little easier in England.
D. It reflects that women were close to equality. The belief of true love versus what is right is a main conflict and idea of this book. Jane struggles to make the decision between what makes her happy and what is right for herself and the others around her.
E. he family might of influenced her because her sister Emily Bronte was also a writer.
F. This was a Women's movement of equality.... To me at least, I do not know if this is a true fact
G. The character Jane reflects the author. I think Jane is her interpretation of who she would be in this situation.
H. I think this story shows conflicts people go through and it is a value to be able to choose your own right.
I. I think important history is women had rights.

a thesis for this approach could be: Jane Eyre is written in a time were women had rights but also had obligations. This story shows how the time period it was written effects the characters .

Monday, August 15, 2011

Brave New World Last Thoughts

I somewhat enjoyed the novel Brave New World. I have many thoughts about the book and would like to share them.
I believe The World State changed the world for people in the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The World State took away a god or spiritual belief. Instead of having their people have guidance in a spirit they had them take soma. Soma is a drug used to calm the body down and forget about emotional things. I think soma is a symbol of this book. Soma is what the character John was so upset about. It killed his mother and end the end is what he killed himself about. Soma gave the people of the World State no feeling or emotional connection. I think advising people to take the drug soma is a horrible idea and if the book continued I think it would kill all the people of the World State becuase someone would eventually realise that it was horrible.
I also think it was incredibly wrong to make babies out of test tubes and science andgiving them a class system to live in before they are born. In some ways it may seem like a good idea. For example, you could raise them the correct way, fix things that were wrong with them and adjust them to a climate changes or lifestyles. Those things might be worth it to some people but I find them just wrong! I believe in babies being born naturally and not machine made. I believe the class systems were a good thing for a book, but I hope they never have them in real life.
These were just some of the things I thought of while reading this novel. Some peole may agree or disagree with what I say and I understand that but in the end these are my opinions and my analyisis of this great tale.

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Perenial, 1969.

Brave New World Question 6

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is a magnificent and intelligent novel written about a future world which consists of a technology based life. Readers can learn many things from this book. For example, a reader can learn that if we over use technology it will overpower our lives and control us. This is shown many times throughout this extraordinary novel. The soma drug is very over used. When people are starting to become emotional or in need of something like a religion they take it and the pain or need goes away. The World State (The main people/ ruler) also has technology were 2/3 woman can not get pregnant. They take out there ovaries so they can not have a child. Sex is not a commitment in The World State. Sex in the World State is like kissing here. It is not a big deal and is something everybody does and what they are suppose to do. Sex means absolutely nothing to the people of 632 A.F. Technology makes the woman not get pregnant or sick by having sex and the soma drug makes their bodies want sex. Technology changed the name of sex. Technology also makes babies. From the day they are fertilized they are classified as alpha, beta, gamma delta, and epsilon. They are trained to become their classes people. Alphas are taught to be the high class and in control of the other four classes. The other four classes are taught to be controlled by Alphas. I think we still read this book so we don't sink to this level in technology. I think we read this so we do not change are lives to be totally ruled by technology. The timeless message is that technology is powerful and can change the world for the better but it can also change it for the worst. I hope our world never turns into the world in this book. I think the author of this book feels the same.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Perenial, 1969

Brave New World Question 1 Part 2

On my previous Brave New World blog you can see I wrote about the author, Aldous Huxley, and his values and attitudes on the book and setting. However, I did not finish question number one and talk about the perspective that the book was written with. This magnificent book is told in third person narration. I know it is written in third person because it is not told from a single person's point of view. This narration is also omniscient, which means the reader knows the characters thoughts and feelings towards the plot. As a reader I love third person omniscient. I think it makes it easy to learn the persons feelings and how the plot effects them. If I was an author I would use this method. I think this method worked for this novel because their was so many different characters with different feelings toward the new technology. I think Aldous Huxley did a great job.
This novel is a piece of fiction. The events did not happen in real life but they could. I think Aldous Huxley wrote this great book, Brave New World to show people what could happen if technology got out of hand. I think its a good warning and it is easily seen in the novel with his attitudes.

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Perenial, 1969

Brave New World Question 1

Books can reveal many things. They can reveal the authors values or attitudes. They can tell what perspective the author is writing from and the overall message of the book. Aldous Huxley is author of the marvelous novel Brave New World. As a reader I can tell his values and attitudes toward the world at the time period the 1930's . For example, Huxley shows how a technology world can ruin the human society, human beliefs, and human identity. He shows his attitude by showing characters that experience these same feelings. The character of John shows these beliefs. John is a savage. Which means he was not an embryo he was naturally born. In the world of Western Europe 632 A.f (After Ford) it was considered wrong to have naturally born children. Anyhow, when John is brought to London is mortified about how life is being lived. He sees how the drug soma is being used and is disturbed about how this technology has such a powerful influence on the people. John reaction to this new technology is confused. He does not understand why people would live and rely on technology. On scene I find important is in the hospital when John's mother,Linda, dies. John is so upset. He does not understand why the doctors did not try to save her. He does not understand why you die when you are sixty years old. Because of this confusing behavior John throws soma out the window and yells at the doctors. I think Huxley made this character after his self. I think Huxley would have the same beliefs as John and he would not agree with the technology. I believe he writes his personal thoughts through the perspective of John. Through the novel of Brave New World I think you can see Aldous Huxley's values and opinions.
Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Pereinal, 1969.