Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good Readers and Good Writers Thesis

The thesis or main point of Good Readers and Good Writers is to be a good reader you must be a good writer and to be a good writer you must be a good reader. The thesis is in the information of the essay, which leads it to be a implicit thesis. An implicit thesis is when you do not make it an obvious main point in the essay instead of saying the thesis in the begin of an essay. The thesis statement develops through the content of your essay rather than being said obviously. The implicit thesis is proved throughout the essay many times. The first page of Good Readers and Good Writers says "In reading, one should notice the fondle details. " (Nabokov 1) The paragraph goes on with an overall message that says when reading we must understand and comprehend the writing. The essay says, "to be a good reader the reader must have imagination, memory, a dictionary, and some artistic sense." (Nabokov 2) The reader must comprehend these four keys to understand the reading and understand writing. Once a person can understand the concept of reading and writing they can use it to produce other works of art. The thesis of Good Readers and Good Writers flows throughout the essay.

Nabokov, Vladimir. "Good Readers and Good Writers." Lectures on Literature. New York: Plurabelle Books, 1946


  1. And what does it mean to be a good writer in terms of being a good reader and vice versa?

  2. Thank you so much you are a lifesaver!
