I believe "Why Read the Classics" is a good and informational piece of literature. Many passages capture my attention when reading this essay. Many of these passages are Calvino's definitions of classic novels. One of my favorites is number four, "The classics are those books which constitute a treasured experience for those who have read and loved them; but remain just as rich an experience for those who reserve the chance to read them for when they are in the best condition to enjoy them." (Calvino 4) I like this quote because its saying you can enjoy a classic at any age. It also says that you might not enjoy them now because it is not you best condition to enjoy them. For example you may be to young to understand or you may not take the time to focus or relate it to your life. I can personally relate to that, especially because honors courses require you to read things you may not be ready for. Another quote I find intriguing is number twelve, " A classic is a work that comes before other classics;but those who have read other classics first immediately recognise its place in the genealogy of classic works"(Calvino 7) To me this says people recognize a classic when they see or hear about a certain book. I just find it interesting how people can recognize a classic after they have read it. The overall essay of "Why Read the Classics" is interesting to me. Calvino does a great job with this essay.
Calvino, Italo. Why Read the Classics. The Uses of Literature. New York: Vintage Books. 1999
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