Friday, August 12, 2011

Brave New World

The title of Brave New World is significant to the novel. The title describes what the book is about. The reader can see the book is about the future and how the characters and author wanted the future to be or saw the future in his or her mind. The title Brave New World would probably interest people who like Si-Fi novels or future novels becuase it is about a new world. The title name is important because it tells what the book is going to be about or it at least gives an idea of what the book will be about.

The title of Brave New World interested me because it was written in the past and now it is the future(at the least the future when it was written). I thought it would be interesting and kind of funny to see if the future is similar to are life today. As you can see, in my other blogs, I usually prefer a title that has to do with a character such as the magnificent and extraordinary novel Jane Eyre. It might sound odd but its true. That is why I was surprised to enjoy this novel.

The title is very important to a book. It interests or disinterests the reader and makes the book one of a kind.

Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. New York: Harper Perenial, 1969.

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