Thursday, August 11, 2011

Essay Comparison

Vladimir Nabokov and Italo Calvino are both extraordinary writers. They both write about topics that are important to them but their tones and overall information come off very differently. Vladimir Nabokov writes "Good Readers and Good Writers", an essay about why it is important to be a good reader and writer and the necessary tools to become a good reader and writer. It is a magnificent essay and has a mind test in it which makes the essay even more enjoyable. Unfortunately, as the reader I find his tone critical and negative. As you can see in other blog posts I find his words harsh as he criticizes works of Jane Austen and offends book clubs. I do not like when author are critical I prefer positivity and informational tips. Other people do not agree obviously because this piece of work is still famous and Vladimir Nabokov is a famous writer. Italo Calvino, on the other hand, is complimentary of other's work. On page seven he complements characters of other writers. He says, "people reincarnate them to right down to our own times "(Calvino 7). He is saying how good other works are and people redo their characters because they are so good. He is positive when giving reasons why they should read classics. The reader can see he wants people to understand why classic literature is important. Both these essays are great works but they are very different.

Nabokov, Vladimir. "Good Readers and Good Writers." Lectures on Literature. New York: Plurabelle Books, 1946

Calvino, Italo. "Why Read the Classics." The Uses of Literature. New York: Vintage Books, 1999

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