Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good Readers and Good Writers Essay Organization

Essay organization is very important to the flow and overall message of the essay. Organization makes the essay easier to complete and easier to understand. There are many ways to organize essays. Good Readers and Good Writers is organized by spatial organization. Spatial organization is when the essays refer to describing items based on their location and relation to other items. They help compare similar items and help with the details.

This essay starts with talking about being a good reader. The essay then goes into talking about being a good writer. Both items relate to one another which gives the thesis, you must be a good writer to be a good reader and to be a good writer you must be a good reader. There are examples of this all over the essay. One example is on page two. Nabokov talks about the four keys to be a good reader, then goes to page three and talks about each individual key and how it relates to becoming a good reader and good writer. (Nabokov 2 and 3) He also talks about three writing keys and explains them. He also relates them to how they help people become a better reader. (Nabokov 4) This shows relation and the comparison of similar items which makes the origination of this essay a spatial organization.

Essay organization is very important and helps your essay writing. This essay is very organized and relates to the topic very well.

Nabokov, Vladimir. "Good Readers and Good Writers." Lectures on Literature. New York: Plurabelle Books, 1946

1 comment:

  1. I'm not so sure I'd consider this spatial organization. When I think of spatial organization, I think of the way a room is organized or a museum tour.
